The TSA is pleased to share an ‘easy read’ version of our summary of the UK clinical guidelines in the care and management of TSC, making the guidelines more accessible than ever before.
The easy read version of the guidelines summary follows publication of the full UK clinical guidelines – the first ever developed – towards the end of 2018, with the TSA’s main summary of the guidelines being released earlier this year.
The easy read UK clinical guidelines summary can be downloaded here:
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To receive a physical copy of the easy read guidelines, please contact our central office or your local adviser.
The release of the main UK clinical guidelines summary was a significant milestone in TSC care, with the publication helping clinicians working in the NHS implement UK-wide recommendations to improve the diagnosis, assessment, surveillance and treatment of TSC in the UK.

The TSA wants as many people as possible to have access to the UK guidelines in TSC care, so that people living with TSC and their families and carers can understand and push for the care that they deserve. With the previous release of the main guidelines summary and now the easy read guidelines summary, we hope to further widen access to the publication across our community. 
Information on our main guidelines summary and the development of the full guidelines can be found in our previous announcement here.